$25.00/Pax | $27.25/Pax (with GST)
Min. 10 Pax

Poultry (Select One Item)
Fish (Select One Item)
Sides (Select One Item)
Delights (Select One Item)
Deep Fried (Select One Item)
Vegetables (Select One Item)
Mains (Select One Item)
Desserts / Pastries (Select Two Items)
Order Summary (Price before GST)
Subtotal (Price before GST)
  1. All items will be delivered in disposable bento and/or microwaveable containers together with a complete set of bio-degradable disposable wares and serviettes will be provided. Please note that NO TABLES OR SETUP will be done.
  2. Customers are NOT to consume the food after 2 hours upon delivery. Caterer shall not bear any responsibility for food consumed after the stipulated time.
  1. Full payment shall be made upon delivery:
    • For payments made via Cheque, it must be crossed and addressed to “RICO CATERING PTE. LTD.”
    • Payment via Internet Banking / Funds Transfer / Paynow to “UEN:202341295G”
    • Credit Card Payment is available.

•⁠ ⁠Buffet: $90.00 ($98.10 with GST)
•⁠ ⁠Full Day Seminar: $120.00 ($130.80 with GST) for 3 delivery trips
•⁠ ⁠Half Day Seminar: $80.00 ($87.20 with GST) for 2 delivery trips
•⁠ ⁠Bento & Mini Buffet: $50.00 ($54.50 with GST)
•⁠ ⁠Morning Surcharge for events before 8.30am: $60.00 ($65.40 with GST)
•⁠ ⁠Additional Surcharge: $20.00 ($21.80 with GST) (For CBD, Tuas, Sentosa)

In the event of any cancellation or change of date for the order, a cancellation charge applies:
• 50% of the total spending with less than 5 working days of notification
• 100% of the total spending with less than 3 working days of notification

Customers are deemed to have read and fully understood the Terms and Conditions when their order has been confirmed.

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